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14 August 2009

The MACC's job is to cover PDRM's backside; and vice versa

Malaysians can't understand why the police is covering up the death of Teoh Beng Hock at the hands of the MACC. Well, when the MACC's job is to cover PDRM's backside what do you expect? You scratch my back and I scratch yours, the saying in Malaysia goes. And the MACC and PDRM treat this dogma as a religion that replaces Islam.


MACC's integrity and accountability are already tainted beyond reprieve.

They are acting and behaving like gestapo-like busters!

Let's put a stop to all their sadistic acts!

And what is the common denominator between MACC and PDRM?

They are both serving and protected by the ruling elites!

Much as we have our doubts and anger towards MACC and PDRM, it would be better if we channeled it towards our ruling elites from BN!

The police is the UMNOputras security wing.
The MACC is under the UMNOputras direct control.
So only the small flies and those on the wrong side of the political divide will get the MACC treatment.
A visit to their 14th Floor office!
If they are lucky, they walk out alive to be charged in court.
If not, their corpse will be found on the 5th floor.
The MACC must be brought to account!

The MACC and PDRM are the arms and legs, the gangrenous parts of the ruling elites. The limbs need to be amputated if they cannot be saved from further infection. Let the ruling elites that constitute the brains, heart, body and soul feel the pain and face the consequences, while PR will do its utmost to replace the rotten limps with new, uncorruptible bionic ones.

The gangsters and thugs in Malaysia are so daring and fearless because they know they are protected by PDRM, leading all the way to Putrajaya. Based on RPK's previous article, RM5.5million was paid to Johari, Deputy Minister of Internal Security for some thugs' release from the prison.

So, you can see how aggressive these gangsters have to be to earn enough to line the pockets of these UMNO/BN dogs.

The Chinease businesses contribute 90% of Malaysia's income tax.
The Chinese thugs contribute to the wealth of the UMNO/BN dogs.
Where do the thugs get their revenue? They exhort, kidnap as well as using all illegal means to "earn" their income huge enough for themselves and the dogs.

The thugs thrive in Malaysia because they are protected by these dogs.

It is very sad.....the laypersons are affected daily by the thugs' activities.

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