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24 January 2010

Malaysians Wrong to Abandon Country, Barisan Wrong to Betray the People

Second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah criticised Malaysians who have emigrated, saying it was “wrong” and insinuating that they were betraying the sacrifices of their forefathers.

“You and me, our children, we build our lives here and we have our homes here. This is our homeland. I get very sad when I hear we have people migrating to foreign shores. To me, this is wrong.

“Our forefathers have come here, many years ago, bearing much hardship and deprivation. Why did they endure this? Because they believed that their future generations will reap the fruits of having to live on this blessed land.”

Yes, this was the case until the only ruling regime of this country, Barisan Nasional, insisted to perpetuate its brand of race-based, divisive and irresponsible politics which helped to drive away more than a million Malaysians in a short span of five decades.

More than 60 percent of these skilled Malaysians were driven away by how this country has been managed by the ruling regime. It is safe to assume that more were driven away by the push factor (e.g. racist policies, corruption, mediocre leadership, lack of equal access to economic and education opportunities and bad policies) than a pull factor.

Why should Barisan continue to embrace the old? The coalition has squandered many opportunities to strengthen its partnership and its political influence. Political parties in the coalition could easily abandon race based politics and form a common political party, using the existing Barisan platform.

We would have thought that years of socialisation amongst political parties in the coalition would have made it easier for them to transition to a common multiracial platform. Alas, the answer is no. Race based political parties continue to exist to serve the interest of a few who wanted to become race heroes or to manipulate race for political ascension.

Husni should try to find some political wisdom from his own statement and disappointment. I had met him a few times when he was just a backbencher and held a favourable impression of his humble personality and reasonableness.

If the Barisan regime can govern fairly, transparently and respect our democratic credentials and spirit, many more Malaysians would rather work and live at home. Malaysia is still home to these overseas wanderers.

When I went abroad for my postgraduate studies, the feeling of loneliness and craving for home (Malaysia) was unbearable and sharp. The same feeling is probably shared by many Malaysians abroad.

Husni should remember that one hand cannot clap. In every action, there is an equal reaction. It should start from the ruling regime, Barisan Nasional.

Barisan is wrong to neglect the people. Is it wrong to continue perpetuating its race based politics, neglecting the education system, stunting real economic growth by condoning political corruption, abusing political power, practising divisive and bad policies, promoting ethno-nationalism and communitarian politics and ignoring the need to strengthen democracy.

If the current situation persists, why would non-partisan, helpless and common but highly educated and skillful Malaysians stay?


I'm angry that all in BN betrayed us,squandered our God given wealth and most importantly chose the evil path- Mongolia,saiful,lingam,Teoh,....BN 'leaders' when you blame someone for being a traitor,look in the mirror.

To my m'sian brothers and sisters,if you are thinking abt migrating,just do owe it to your kids and their kids.with your English ability and willingness to work hard you are welcomed into places like Aust,new Zealand.there are networks to support you so don't worry,eg in sydney there's the Assoc of Malaysian Singaporean Australians -AMSA, formed by 'pendatangs' who made the move just like you will

Husni can say what he wants.I'm living abroad in Australia,where discrimination be it based on race,religion is punishable by law; m'sia had state sponsored discrimination

it's sad when your home country treats you worse than your adopted home.
Husni,if your biological mother and father abuses you,disrespects you and make you feel unwanted; whereas your adopted parents welcome you,gives you support- who would you stay with???
Dum# a$$.

You treat us all as equals, then we talk if not shut ur hole.

UMNO ministers have their children studying in private schools and overseas universities. Why should the rest of our Malaysian children be deprived of this? Why wouldn't a parent migrate for their children's future? To be free from racism and bullying. Just because you are not a Malay doesn't mean it is OK be treated like you don't have feelings!! Why would anyone stay in Malaysia to get abused I really don't understand?

I know this is what UMNO wants and that is to get as many non-UMNO voters to leave the country. UMNO may win the elections, but the country is going to the dogs.

Patriotism comes in many ways. To fight a corrupt system for the betterment of the nation IS patriotism. Subservience to a corrupt government and system is worst because we will only help perpetuate the undesirable. I sincerely hope that Malaysia and Malaysians can effect that real change for the better without having to undergo upheavals. For so many countries, that was the only option and when it happened so much was sacrificed, and at the end of the day, history revealed that the many sacrifices was because the few in power refused to yield for the greater good of the nation & its people.

I hope all our political leaders in the ruling elite would be magnanimous enough to step aside when the popular vote is against them, and then just focus on strengthening that democracy by playing their roles as the counter-balance. However, after 50+ years, the UMNO-led BN government has not been able to display any such virtues. Sad. Very sad. Their heads have gotten too big. And their arrogance have not shrunk a bit. The UMNO leaders' actions since March 08, are anything but nation-building.

Any of you thinking if you should migrate. Compare this

Stay in malaysia
1. Salary in Malaysia - RM 90,000 a year
2. House - $500,000 - 30 years loan, plus legal and sales tax - another RM7000-10,000
3. Car - $50,000 - Proton Waja - 9 year loan
4. Saving needed for children education - RM 250,000 each to uni so RM500,000
5. Saving for rainy days / vacation = zero

1. Salary - $90,000 a year
2. House - $500,000 minus $7,000 free first home ownership grant. Free sales tax, legal fees. $7000.
3. Car - $24,000 Toyota Camry, $25,000 Rav4, $45,000 Kluger
4. Saving for children education - $ none, government here will pay children allowance to study in uni.
5. Saving for investment property - which now allowed us to get deposit for new house and rent them out.

My wife, 2 kids and I moved 5 years ago, Now we got 2 houses which we expecting to finish paying in 5 years and 3 cars fully paid, 1 Camry for wife, 1 Toyota Kluger for me and 1 Rav 4 for daughter. We migrated with only $50,000 between us after selling our house and crap proton car in malaysia.

If we stayed in Malaysia, we will still be paying my 30 year old mortgage, struggling to even pay for a single car, wont even be able to afford second car.

Now I am looking at buying a boat. Why shouldn't Malaysian abandon the country if we can easily get more for our salary overseas, get rewarded for your ability not race, get free university education for your children regardless of your race or religion.

For every single $ you earn it is worth 3-4 times what you get in Malaysia, Corrupt country resulted in everything in Malaysia overpriced like cars and paid in crap currencies RM.

Squatter, Pendatang, Ketuanan Melayu, NEP, Handout, Cow Stamping, Corruptions, C4, TBH, Kugan, Cow's Head, Fire Bomb, Backward education, Discrimination..........If not this generation definitely the next.Neighboring countries progressing, while in Malaysia the Keris is raised ..."Apa you cakap".........just look at the caliber of ministers running the country........Racist.......

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